The Rebirth of Metal Music

Lately, is being very natural to me feel how music in general (metal, rock, pop, country, etc.) seems to be in an endless decaying and it makes really hard to enjoy and listen new music, because is always the same result:  Annoying synth samples, almost null real instruments presence, hedonist rich kid lyrics, overproduced or too polished songs, etc.

We can blame the music business, or the really bad taste of new generations, but that would be a very generalized point of view. I do not consider myself able to find out what’s wrong with music nowadays, so I won’t waste my time trying to do that. Instead I’ll try to be more positive here, and I’ll highlight (from my very personal point of view and taste) some good examples of music rebirth (At least from the genre that I consider myself able to do, which is metal).

Abigail Williams

Is not new for the few people who follow this blog that I’m a huge fan of this band, although I can ensure that is not the reason of why I’m including them in this list. Actually the real reason, is that those guys are getting better with every album they release, and what I mean with better, is the fact that they sound more organic, more real and, they show a better technique and execution, on the last two albums than their whole previous catalogue. The last album, is not only an example of aggressive and raw black metal, is also a great example of modern metal, with some post rock elements, ambient melodies, all blended in such way that doesn’t sound artificial, but all the opposite, sound very passionate.

Violet Cold

For the people who know this band (actually formed by only one member) I’m pretty sure that you also consider that it’s a must to include it in this list. Violet Cold is actually the best example of the future on metal bands, not only because of the sound, but also because of the way it’s being promoted (almost exclusively based on social media), the audience that is reaching, and the recording techniques that is being using. Focusing on the sound, I would say, without any doubt, that this band is one of the most successfully experimental metal band nowadays, and when I say successfully I’m not referring to success in the media and music business, instead I mean a success in the sounds they blend, the atmospheric sounds they use, the aggressiveness of some passages and finally, the null artificial sound on every single song. You don’t need to be acoustic to sound organic, you can even make a complete electronic track and yet sound very natural, In my opinion, that is the best description of Violet Cold.


First at all, there is nothing new in this band, Monstrance is the veteran soldier that survived the 90’s metal scene, and is the living proof that real death metal is still among us. Founded by Carlos Regadas (Ex-Devoid, Ex-Carcass, Ex-Black Star), this band has only shared some demos via Facebook and YouTube, but what you hear on them, is the real essence of death and heavy metal. Great musicality, amazing melodies, very cool guitar solos, powerful drums, and awesome death growls. I’m really waiting for the release of a whole album, because, at some point, especially in the 2000’s, death metal became in something odd and weird, and I don’t want that as a good example of actual death metal. I have no doubt that Monstrance will bring the real death metal sound to our ears, and this will inspire new bands to do the same.


As well as Monstrance, Farmikos came from a guitarist formed in the 90’s metal scene: Joe Holmes, the former Ozzy Osbourne guitarist. This guy basically disappears from the mainstream scene for years, and now he returns with this incredible Hard Rocker/Metal band. The great deal with Farmikos, is that you can hear all the forgotten elements in metal nowadays: Stoner and Groove based guitar riffs, Soundgarden’sque vocals, simplistic production and of course, huge guitar solos. You won’t hear over produced songs with this band, only straight to your face songs, that use the same basic formula that Led Zeppelin used back in the 70’s.

And that’s all I have for you guys, but that doesn’t mean that only these bands are the ones in charge of the rebirth of metal music does ‘it? Of course not, that’s only a selection based on my taste and my opinion, of course I would like to know your opinion and which bands you consider  that are the ones that will bring back the real metal to our ears!….

Thanks for read! Please subscribe if you like this post, I promise to write more thing like this in the future.


Is Phil Anselmo Racist?

Hi everyone, it’s been a while since the last time I posted something, but one important event surfaced the web a couple of days ago (apart from the fact that several Rock icons were passed away recently). I can imagine that you already know about the controversy caused by Phil Anselmo at the end of the Dimebash fest the last month: Phil throw the Nazi salute and screamed “White Power” to the crowd. Everything went viral after the owner of the original video shared a 13 seconds video in which Phil appears doing the previously described, explaining his desire to share with everyone the Phil actions at the fest, and then, the snowball rolled down.

Tons and tons of comments on every single Metal community were posted regarding this, some of them calling to chill out and let’s pass this, that it was not big deal, although, 90% of the comments actually disapproved Phil’s actions. This reached more importance, when Robb Flynn from Machine Head, posted a 11 minutes response in which he slaps Phil and call him a “big bully”. Phil initially posted a brief explanation on the original video saying that it was an inside joke regarding White Wine, and that not apologies were required. A lot of other opinions disapproving towards Phil’s actions surfaced the web also. Phil finally posted a video, in which he can be seen it in a very serious and dark mood, explaining what really happened, and that he is 100% apologetic.

Well, I can continue describing the series of events regarding this, but that is not my intention, to be honest, especially when you can find better sources and videos on google and YouTube.  Two important questions come out from all these events:

– Is Phil Anselmo racist?

– Shall the Metal community don’t allow racism in music?

In the current post, I would like to focus only on give you my opinion of the first question.

It is funny, but this is not the first time that Phil is involved in this kind of controversies, I remember saw a video dated from 2002, in which you can heard Phil scream “White Power” on the “New Level” chorus. Is not necessary to research that much, just type “Phil Anselmo” plus “White power” on youtube and you will find a lot of videos of past concerts or interviews, regarding this subject. But, does this makes him actually a racist? A follower of the white supremacy movement? Apart from all the well documented events, he has not been involved with a specific group or nobody has seen him attending a Neo Nazi meeting, or even more, attacking someone. I honestly don’t think that Phil be racist, but instead, I think that he was raised under a very American old fashioned style, and his principles are based in a very conservative basis. Although, this is not a justification on his actions, it is only an explanation, I personally hate any form of fascism and racism. Racism is a very dedicated thing to deal with, and it should be treated carefully. What happen here, and most likely that it was the same on previous occasions, is that Phil was totally intoxicated, completely high or something, and he just didn’t think twice the situation, and then, we already know the consequences.

Talking about consequences, Down upcoming show in the FortaRock festival was cancelled, they explained that there is no place for racism in the festival. Phil dropped another apology regarding this event, and I just saw that Pepper J. Keenan (his partner in Down) already posted something in the band’s official Facebook page, and he is accepting Phil’s apologies (thankfully Down won’t be disbanded).

As a conclusion, if Phil’s really wants to be active in the metal scene, I consider that he need do the following:

1) Prove that he is not racist, and that he is not involved in any form of hate group

2) It is critical for Phil enter into a rehab program, because there are many others things in danger, such as Housecore records, the Housecore horror fest, all his bands and finally his career.  Also this implies, that in this way, I’m pretty sure that he will improve his performance in 200%, because lately is being mediocre at best.

Well guys, this my opinion regarding all these events, I’m not defending Phil, I strongly believe that if he is proven be racist, he should face the consequences of his ideas, although I already gave you my opinion, and I would be very glad to know yours, so please posted on the comment box section.

I will come up with the second part in a few days, so be pending for it.

Thanks for you time and Regards!

Monstrance – Karma After the Storm (album demo)

So, Monstrance finally shared the complete demo version of the song Karma After The Storm. The song, in my personal opinion is just amazing, simply because it’s so heavy and melodic, with a great technique,this could definitely be fantastic for anyone who loves Iron Maiden and Morbid Angel, like I do to be honest.

In this song you wont hear synths and samples, or goth influences, this is pure metal stuff, and is executed with such an amazing level of musicianship.

Remember to share the video and press the like button, support the band, because we really need bands like Monstrance, whom is bringing back the real essence of metal music.

Thanks for take you time and read this entry, remember to subscribe and leave your comments, I would like to know them.

Cheer and regards!

Abigail Williams – The Accuser

As many of you may know, my first entry on this blog, was an old review that I wrote regarding Becoming album from Philadelphia based black metal band, Abigail Williams. Today I’m here to give my review about their last effort entitled The Accuser.

Honestly, this year, has been very weak regarding new albums, with some exceptions of course, but the true, is that, nothing transcendental is out there right now. Although, this year was expecting to close, safely, with no more disturbs, suddenly, it came, like thief in the night, this killer album, to dismember everything, leaving a blood feast of destruction and pain.

The album is amazing guys, but not in the classic sense of the word, I mean, is amazing as any of the Lovecraft stories, were amazing; the album is dark, melancholy, extreme, powerful, and very raw and yet, it has a subtle beauty on it. The art work, is an amazing piece of art that describe properly the content of the album. I realized that honestly, I don’t like to write a review by describing each song on the album, I think it doesn’t bring anything important, instead, I would try describe how it sounds, and what kind of influences you may find here and there.

The band departs from their post black metal and symphonic predominant sound on the last effort, and instead of that, experiment with a more Darkthronesque sound, although the post black metal vibe is still present, but not as the blast beats and the aggressive Ken’s voice. It’s in my opinion their more guitar oriented album, with great guitar melodies and solos. The sound of the guitar is very raw, almost as the one used in the 80’s hardcore punk scene.

Even when there are no string passages as on their previous records, the ambient on each of the songs is just amazing, and this is because of the production, which is very raw and yet very melancholic (listen “Will, Wish and Desire” song to understand my point). The sound of the drums on this album is just killer, you can notice that they definitely do not use any kind of drum machine on their records, everything here is very natural and passionate.

I don’t really like to point out songs on here, but I have to say that “Path of Broken Glass”, “The Cold Lines”, “Will, Wish and Desire” and “Nuummite” are in my opinion highlight, although, the album in general is just amazing.

On my last Abigail Williams entry, I asked myself if Becoming was the best black metal album since the Nordic scene from the 90’s, well, I can say now, that definitely is not, because, believe me guys, The Accuser, is the one that can without any doubt take that place, but that is just my opinion isn’t?

Please leave your thoughts on the box comment, or on my Facebook wall, I will glad to read them.

See you next time around!

Hare are some of the band official links:

Should Metal music be attached to any specific subject?

Ok, I know that it’s been a long time since the last time I actually wrote something, and this could be mainly because I have been too much busy, or maybe, because there is nothing special going on in the metal scene lately, which is actually sad.

Well, since there is nothing important to discuss honestly, I would like to know your opinion about something:  Should be Metal music and lyrics be attached to a specific subject? I mean, if you’re playing in a Grind Core band, you should write lyrics exclusively about dead, murder, blood, etc.? Or what about Doom, Gothic? What if you’re feeling happy? Would you still write sad and depressing content? Would that be honest?

I don’t know you guys but I definitely don’t believe that music should be attached to an specific subject, I think that sooner or later, it’s going to be boring, think a little bit about Fear Factory. I love FF so much, but is quite annoying to know that much of their lyrics are about the same subject: Man vs Machine, and yeah in the 90’s that was so fucking great, but right now, at least for me, is not that interesting. To be honest with you guys, the best FF album, is Archetype, and is basically, along with transgression, the only two albums not associated with man vs machine subject.

I have to say, I’m huge supporter of the free speech in music, so as you already know, one of my past entries, was about Christian content in Extreme metal, once again, what is your opinion about that? Moreover, what is your opinion about NSBM (National socialist Black Metal)? I don’t like that content at all, I don’t agree with them neither, but only because of that should I condemn that scene?

How to know the boundary of be honest and keep yourself faithful to your ideals? And, when is enough to write lyrics only with shock value purposes? Or only to tell about the book you loved?

Well, I would love to know your opinions, please share it in the comment box, or on my Facebook page

Thanks for reading, and see you next time around!!!…

The hardest and saddest obstacle that new metal bands needs to overcome

It’s been a while since the last post, and I think is time to write something new. Honestly I’m not in the mood to write something related to any new band, album or any metal sub-genre in specific. Also I want to let you know, that what I’m going to write here is nothing new, and it came to me some weeks ago, and has been regurgitating in my mind since then.

A couple of weeks ago Kevin Lyman, the co-founder of the Mayhem Rock Festival, told to Detroit Free Press that the tour was “at risk of going away at any given moment” due to the limited number of headline-worthy acts in metal. After this, Kerry King the founder of the legendary band Slayer provided a series of responses to Lyman, and the lineup of the festival. One of the things that Kerry said (well, actually he cited to Gary Holt) is the following: “…usually there’s the Main Stage, a second stage, a third stage, and then that piece-of-shit record stage… Now what they’re calling a second stage is at best a fourth stage and they’re wondering why people aren’t showing up”.

It seems that now, the festival is finally done, and it was the very last edition. Is not my interest discover the reasons of why the festival is finished now. My concerns here is related towards on what Kerry said regarding the second stage (Victory Stage) bands. I agree with Kerry in the fact that for this edition there wasn’t many big names as someone could expect, and that the audience could be affected because of that, but I just can’t deal with the fact of He calling a piece of shit stage, to the only stage that in fact, is the one that promote the emergent bands.

So, as many of you already know, try to live from what you really love, is never easy, and for the people whose passion is the metal music (black metal, death metal, metal core, etc.) this is not exception. Nowadays, is quite different from what it used to be, mainly because of the internet culture and social networks, because there’s a bunch of new bands out there trying to get attention via youtube, facebook, etc. So figure it, it won’t be easy, cheap and simple as could be in any other moment, so having this in mind, what is the last thing that you don’t really need? Well, that my friends, are negative comments from people who are already in the top of their careers, why? Because there is a big fandom behind of them, and if they said that new bands are bullshit or a piece of shit, well, at least the people inside that fandom, won’t have any interest in discover any new band, at least the media actually promote it.

I used to play in my own band, and we used to write our songs, and I totally understand how frustrating it can be try to live from your music. We never try for real, because we just hadn’t the energy and passion to focus on that, and we decided to take the easy path, finish our studies and get a job. When I take a look back, and see the other people that still trying to get something, I always have the same feeling to start a new band, but now, is quite late, and difficult, so I drop the idea easily. For me, is easy I just can leave it and that is it, but I don’t even can imagine how annoying it should be, that some are trying to make it, and at some point, this stupid big fucking legend of metal, starts to spit crap towards new bands just because they aren’t getting enough money, and the business is not as well as it should be, it just fucking sucks.

I don’t have a final conclusion honestly, I’m angry and disappointed, but I’m glad to know that on the other hand there a few known names on metal scene, that actually are working on promote new bands, such as Phil Anselmo and Anders Fridén, to mention some.

If you are in a band, and you are pretty sure that this is your passion, don’t let those people let you down, and also don’t feel bad, if you do this (play in a band) on your “free” time, share your art, this is what we need instead of big fucking metal albums, that’s for Justin Bieber’s fans, we are heavy metal fans damn it.

I hope you have enjoyed this entry, and please let me know your thoughts here and on my social networks such Facebook.

Peace and see you next time around!!!….

Christian Extreme Metal – A Secular Opinion

Is not new that Christians, are present in basically most of the music genres available out there, it could be rock, hip hop, electronic, progressive, indie and of course Heavy Metal.  Although, there’s a couple of famous metal bands that has Christian themes on their lyrics and artworks, many of those bands are not well received by the metal scene.

I cannot express my opinion towards Christianity on power metal, trash metal, nu metal, metal core, etc. because I’m not familiar with many bands with Christian influence under those metal sub genres, with some exceptions such as The Devil wears Prada (metal core) and Stryper (heavy metal), to mention some. But for the current post, I would like to share my thoughts over bands and music in which I’m very familiarized: Extreme Metal.

Before start, I want to tell you guys how I discovered some Christian extreme metal bands. A couple of years ago, I started to fascinate with the first wave of Black metal which is actually the Norway 90’s scene, mainly encouraged by Mayhem. I was obsessed with Dead, his lyrics and his freaking voice, so I went to see a lot of documentaries, and articles about it, and finally I got this amazing documentary titled “Pure Fucking Mayhem” produced by Stefan Rydehed. After reading about the producer, I learned that this same guy actually produced another documental called “Light in Darkness – Nemesis Divina”, which actually shows a brief history of Christian Extreme Metal scene, and the struggles and ideas of this kind of bands. The bands featuring this film are Crimson Moonlight, Horde and Pantokrator, among others.

At this point, I would like to think that is implicit by the title of the post, that I’m not Christian, and that actually I consider myself agnostic, and that definitely  I’m not trying to convince anyone to become Christian, or spread the word of lord, etc. Is clear that the only reason for what these bands has to struggle, is that Extreme metal, such as Black and Death Metal were conceived under satanic subjects and influences, especially for Black Metal. Based on this, there is a lot of fans that cannot accept the fact, that extreme metal can be influenced by Christianity, and that actually this is an insult, another strategy to get more people into the religion or whatever.

Now, why does people don’t like Christian extreme metal bands? I see a lot of rejection because for example, black metal fans consider that Black Metal should be satanic, or must be focused on the worship to the devil. But you don’t need to be a devil worshipper actually, to show some resistance to Christian Metal Bands, if you only think on the words from a Christian pastor, telling all the congregation that the devil is in video games, that homosexuals are possessed by Satan or, that Harry Potter books influence kids to perform black magic; well you probably just gonna try to be away from that people. But in my experience, Christian extreme metal bands, are not necessarily acting like that; yeah ok, they could perform a little bit, but honestly, ¿how different is that, from “normal” Black Metal bands?

I remember from the documentary, Light in Darkness, some words from Karl Walfridsson of Pantokrator, in which he mentioned that they are the actual rebels, why? Because as Christians, they are hated by the whole metal scene, and because as metalheads, the Christian congregation hate them. So these guys has problems on both sides.

The only substantial difference that I have been noticed so far in Christian Extreme Metal bands, is that they do actually share a positive message in their songs. Let’s take as example the song “Revolution” from Pantokrator last effort, “Incarnate”. The chorus is as follows:

Come I will bring you revolution,

it begins in the hearts of man.

The light shines in darkness and the dark cannot prevail

I ask you to believe, not to understand.

You know guys, to me, this not actually that bad, because is trying to bring hope to anyone who maybe need it, and of course this is quite positive, but I also understand, that if you are an atheist this also can be quite annoying, because it is asking for faith, and not for the understanding; I got it and I agree, but also, I chill out, and I just enjoy the music, and just as it happens with lyrics from bands like Opeth, Darkthrone, Mayhem, etc. I prefer to just not take it so seriously and only enjoy their songs.

So, as I mention before, is not my intention to convince anyone to listen this kind of bands, but personally, they have a lot of killer songs and albums, and they should be treated equally as the rest of the bands. If you don’t like them, because their music just don’t filled your taste, or because the Lyrics are just too annoying that it doesn’t matter how great is the music, you just can’t take it, fine, thats ok; but, don’t judge without giving actually a chance.  I’ll recommend three bands that in my opinion are the best of this genre: Pantokrator, Horde and Crimson Monlight.

I would like to know your thoughts and opinions, please let me know in the comment box, and please subscribe to my social networks.

See you next time around!

How the melancholy found new way to spread in our souls? – A review of An Autumn for Crippled Children “The Long Goodbye” album.

A couple of weeks ago, I posted the article “The Future of Black Metal sound?”, in which I was talking about how some new bands, blend shoegaze, post rock and post punk with black metal sound, and called this new genre Post Black Metal. Today, I will share with you guys, a review for the last album of a band that is very deep in this movement, An Autumn for Crippled Children, and the album is titled “The Long Goodbye”.

An Autumn for Crippled Children is a band from Netherlands that started in 2009, and has already released five albums: “Lost” (2010), “Everything” (2011), “Only the Ocean Knows” (2012), “Try Not to Destroy Everything you Love” (2013) and finally “The Long Goodbye” (2015). The band is known for his heavily post black metal influenced sound.

“The long Goodbye” album is by far, one of the most emotive albums that I have been listened in the last years, probably, since the release of The Gathering “Nighttime Birds”. It is so melancholic, so dark and still so raw. The growling is always appropriate for the music while the keyboards are melted so incredible with the guitar sound.

Compared with another albums of others exponents of this genre, such as Altar Of Plagues, Wolves in the Throne Room, etc. “The long Goodbye” doesn’t includes blast beats, instead, it based more on the keyboards melodies, distorted guitar chords and black metal trademark growls.

The album opens with the homonym track “The long Goodbye”, which is heavily influenced by post punk sound, showing some incredible basslines and guitar riffs, and this vibe is present on “A New Form of Stillness” and “When Night Leaves Again”, which actually has some interesting riffs, that reminds a little bit to Darkthrone early releases.

“Covering towards the light”, “Only Skin”, “She’s Drawing Mountains” and the final track “The Sleep of Rust” has more New Prog sound on it, although, some gothic influences are heard here and there, especially on the final track, which is actually the more metal song on the album, is very doom and darky.

“Gleam” easily could be a Klimt1918 song, and it does includes a great drumming and outstanding keyboards background. “Endless Skies” is a very different song compared with the rest of the album, not only because has some electronic influences on it, but is the one in which you can hear more oppressive growling, and a more distorted guitar sound.

As conclusion the album obtain what is the goal of the genre, a nostalgic sound, a vibe of bitter sweetness blended with some anger and desperation. You can easily get lost into the cover artwork, while listening the album. Not many bands are able to express their feeling in the sound of the songs, but AACC, made it without any problem without sacrificing rage and rawness of the black metal sound. The album is amazing, and is probably, the best post black metal album of the year.

Who can be interested in this album? Well not Gorgoroth fans for sure, although the black metal fans that are already familiarized with the genre, will definitely enjoy this one. I actually recommend it to people who loves the many era of Anathema, because it melt perfectly every sound that we love from each one.

I hope this post has been of your interest, and please post your opinions, because I really would love to know them.

See you next time around!

All Out War – Dying Gods…The metal side of the NYHC scene

A couple of weeks ago, All Out War released a new EP called “Dying Gods” and before talking about this, I think is important to talk a little bit about the band first, since, despite they are very know in the NYHC and HC movement, the metal scene is not very familiarized with them.

All Out War, started playing around 1991, and after record several 7” and various lineup changes, they released their first full LP titled “Truth in the Age of Lies”. Since the album gained some recognition, they signed with the most important HC label of the 90’s, Victory Records, and release their second LP “For Those Who Were Crucified” in 1998. The band remains working with Victory releasing one more album titled “Condemned to Suffer” until 2004, when the band officially announced they finally separated. In 2007 the band reunited, and released two more albums, also under Victory Records: “Assassins in the House of God” and “Into the Killing Fields”.

Having said that, I know that many of you guys are already thinking: ok they are an important Hardcore band, but what is the deal with metal scene? Well to answer that, we must go back in the 90’s, when bands in metal music in fact, experimented with the mix of several styles and techniques. All Out War, along with Integrity and Merauder, are seminal bands, in what we know now days as Death Core and Crossover trash, and just as Dark Tranquility, In Flames and At the Gates, are respected as pioneers of the Melodic Death metal, these bands must be regarded as pioneers in the Hardcore metal sound. Please not confuse the Hardcore metal and crossover with Metal core movement, because is way too different.

So, what can I said about “Dying Gods” EP? Well, personally, the band still having the same energy as almost 20 years ago, and I have to admit that is amazing that these guys always try to sound fresh, without compromising their original sound. This EP, is darker than their predecessors, and this is not that common, in hardcore bands, the concept, the lyrics, the cover, everything is obscure. The sound reminds me more to early Morbid Angel records, rather than Cro-Mags, for example.

The album open with “Dying Gods” in which the first highlight, is that, Mike Score vocals reminds the style of John Tardy from Obituary, giving to the album a more metal sound. The song outro, fits perfectly as intro to the next song because in a complete contrast, is a dark acoustic guitar passage. “Vengeance Reigns Eternal” shows the classic All Out War sound, but this time showing more Tampa death metal influences, such as the trashed guitar solos and “cannibal corpesesque” riffing.

“Nothing Left to Bleed” is a very Slayer influenced song, it reminds me a blend between “Divine Intervention” with “Geminis”. On “Servants to the Obsolete” you can hear the classic hardcore metal of 90’s, which could be used as a great tribute to Merauder, because of the strong guitar riffs. “Choking on Indifference” is another example of the trash influence on this band, with a heavy intro, hardcore chorus and a great guitar solo. The song “Arise” is the more hardcore oriented song on the album, providing a nice vibe on it. The ending song “God is Dead” is definitely the most different song on the album, because, is the first time I hear All Out War playing a classic heavy metal influenced song, and it is so great the hear some melodies on the chorus and even some female voices, which provide an amazing end to the album.

In conclusion, this could be the most metal influenced album of the band so far, and this is not necessarily incredible, since at this point, All Out War probably feels with more freedom than never, to experiment with any genre they want. It is a very recommended album to any hardcore fans, but I really want to encourage to all metal fans out there, to give a chance to this album, I’m pretty sure that is not gonna disappoint you.

Please, leave you message and opinion in the Comments box, I really want to know your thoughts about this album.

See you next time around!

The Future of the Black Metal sound?

Lately I been very focused into a new metal sub-genre, that is bringing something, that in my opinion is very interesting: Post-Black Metal/ Blackgaze. I’m putting both labels together, because the bands associated to them, are commonly linked somehow, but they actually are not exactly the same.

This trend was born in France around 2002, with bands like Wolves in the Throne Room, Alcest and Amesoeurs considered as pioneers. Some albums regarded as seminal are Burzum’s “Filosofem” and Agalloch “The Mantle”, among some other which combine the classic Black Metal sound with a more atmospheric sound, neo folk influences and even electronic passages on their songs.

What is interesting about this sub-metal genre, is the fact that, blends two distant genres, such as shoegazing (e.g. My Bloody Valentine) with the rawness of the Black metal sound. Blackgaze, it is basically more like the classic post-punk (e.g. Joy Division) and shoegaze sound with clean vocals, blended with some black metal passages, generating a darker ambient than the classic shoegaze sound.  Common examples of this sub-genre are French bands such as Les Discrets and Alcest.

In the case of Post-Black Metal, is quite different, because the sound is based more faithfully on the classic Black Metal sound, but the guitar sound and melodies are very similar to shoegazing structures. Blast beats and black metal growling are commonly present, although the bass and drum lines are very influenced by progressive rock and post punk. Two bands regarded as Post Black Metal, are the French Wolves in the Throne Room and Irish Altar Of Plagues.

In conclusion, this new trend seems to be quite accepted, but do not actually reaches the point in which people start to talk about it, and of course, start to generate some controversy. Regarding the case of Post Black Metal, and in my own personal opinion, seems a very natural next step of the genre, although, I do not consider that this is the future of the Black Metal scene. Blackgaze, on the other side, has been more accepted by the alternative music scene, because even if you can listening some black metal influences on it, is not black metal at all. If you are the kind of person that actually delight bands such as The Gathering, Anathema and Antimatter, you should definitely try Blackgaze, especially the one provided by Alcest, I’m pretty sure that you gonna enjoy as much as I did.

I guess that for the black metal puritans, and maybe the not so puritans; Post Black Metal, could be an actual insult to the scene; but if you consider yourself a black metal fan, that is open to experiment with new sounds and trends, then I strongly recommend you, listen the albums from Wolves in the Throne Room “Celestial Lineage “and Altar Of Plagues “Teethed Glory and Injury” (which I personally enjoy it really much).

Finally, I hope this post has been of your interest, and please post your opinions, because I really would love to know them.

See you next time around!