The Rebirth of Metal Music

Lately, is being very natural to me feel how music in general (metal, rock, pop, country, etc.) seems to be in an endless decaying and it makes really hard to enjoy and listen new music, because is always the same result:  Annoying synth samples, almost null real instruments presence, hedonist rich kid lyrics, overproduced or too polished songs, etc.

We can blame the music business, or the really bad taste of new generations, but that would be a very generalized point of view. I do not consider myself able to find out what’s wrong with music nowadays, so I won’t waste my time trying to do that. Instead I’ll try to be more positive here, and I’ll highlight (from my very personal point of view and taste) some good examples of music rebirth (At least from the genre that I consider myself able to do, which is metal).

Abigail Williams

Is not new for the few people who follow this blog that I’m a huge fan of this band, although I can ensure that is not the reason of why I’m including them in this list. Actually the real reason, is that those guys are getting better with every album they release, and what I mean with better, is the fact that they sound more organic, more real and, they show a better technique and execution, on the last two albums than their whole previous catalogue. The last album, is not only an example of aggressive and raw black metal, is also a great example of modern metal, with some post rock elements, ambient melodies, all blended in such way that doesn’t sound artificial, but all the opposite, sound very passionate.

Violet Cold

For the people who know this band (actually formed by only one member) I’m pretty sure that you also consider that it’s a must to include it in this list. Violet Cold is actually the best example of the future on metal bands, not only because of the sound, but also because of the way it’s being promoted (almost exclusively based on social media), the audience that is reaching, and the recording techniques that is being using. Focusing on the sound, I would say, without any doubt, that this band is one of the most successfully experimental metal band nowadays, and when I say successfully I’m not referring to success in the media and music business, instead I mean a success in the sounds they blend, the atmospheric sounds they use, the aggressiveness of some passages and finally, the null artificial sound on every single song. You don’t need to be acoustic to sound organic, you can even make a complete electronic track and yet sound very natural, In my opinion, that is the best description of Violet Cold.


First at all, there is nothing new in this band, Monstrance is the veteran soldier that survived the 90’s metal scene, and is the living proof that real death metal is still among us. Founded by Carlos Regadas (Ex-Devoid, Ex-Carcass, Ex-Black Star), this band has only shared some demos via Facebook and YouTube, but what you hear on them, is the real essence of death and heavy metal. Great musicality, amazing melodies, very cool guitar solos, powerful drums, and awesome death growls. I’m really waiting for the release of a whole album, because, at some point, especially in the 2000’s, death metal became in something odd and weird, and I don’t want that as a good example of actual death metal. I have no doubt that Monstrance will bring the real death metal sound to our ears, and this will inspire new bands to do the same.


As well as Monstrance, Farmikos came from a guitarist formed in the 90’s metal scene: Joe Holmes, the former Ozzy Osbourne guitarist. This guy basically disappears from the mainstream scene for years, and now he returns with this incredible Hard Rocker/Metal band. The great deal with Farmikos, is that you can hear all the forgotten elements in metal nowadays: Stoner and Groove based guitar riffs, Soundgarden’sque vocals, simplistic production and of course, huge guitar solos. You won’t hear over produced songs with this band, only straight to your face songs, that use the same basic formula that Led Zeppelin used back in the 70’s.

And that’s all I have for you guys, but that doesn’t mean that only these bands are the ones in charge of the rebirth of metal music does ‘it? Of course not, that’s only a selection based on my taste and my opinion, of course I would like to know your opinion and which bands you consider  that are the ones that will bring back the real metal to our ears!….

Thanks for read! Please subscribe if you like this post, I promise to write more thing like this in the future.


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